Marriage Infidelity Sign: The Art of the Disappear
You ask them why they could not just turn it off for a little while and leave it in the other room. They tell you they were expecting a very important call so they could not possibly turn it off. Strange how all these calls have suddenly become so important.
Now they excuse themselves from the table and take the call. After a little while, you have finished your dinner; theirs is getting cold. You get up to tell them this but you can't find them. At least not right away.
You check in the den, the living room, basement, upstairs and outside. No sign of them. Then just by accident you catch sight of them thru the window. They were sitting in the car. Okay. Except when you looked the first time you didn't see them.
As they make their way back to the house, your instincts tell you to find a good hiding place and watch them. When they enter, you don't get a sense that anything is wrong from their facial expression. But the way they close the door tells you something is up. How'd they do it? Like a burglar sneaking into a house at 3:00 AM.
Whether you find visible signs of marital infidelity or not comes down to how careful your spouse is and how acute your observation skills are. However there is one thing above any other that a cheating spouse needs to have successful liasions. Time.
There are only twenty four hours in a day. Being with family or at work occupies a majority of those hours; so for a spouse to carry on an extramarital affair requires sacrifice in one of those two areas.
Will it be work? Possible but not likely since infidelity has to be financed to some extent. The other side of that equation is to keep up the appearance of normal (or as close to it) within the household. Coming up short of cash because they are missing work to spend time with the other person is a red flag.
That means the only thing left is family. It may not be completely obvious but an hour late here and there adds up. Even if they get home on time, they may decide to go back out to run an "errand". You don't mind once in a blue moon but it sure seems like they never want you to go along with them.
Look to see how often this is happening. Also start asking questions. Where you going? Why now? If they are running an errand or just going to the store, how come you can't go along?
If this seems like you are spying on your spouse then you're right. It's not a good feeling and you wish it didn't have to be that way. But if you believe your spouse is carrying on an extramarital affair, then like it or not you need to do some investigating. Catching a cheating spouse is an intense game of hide and seek and unfortunately you are it.
About the Author
Article written by Daryl Campbell -The Relationship Tip รข€¦#34; Find out in just 3 minutes if your spouse is cheating on you
Hoping you have a blissful relationship
Sign Of Infidelity