Thursday, August 14, 2008

Sign Of infidelity here we go again!

An interesting infidelity article by Daryl Campbell

Marriage Infidelity Sign: The Art of the Disappear

It happened again; this time right in the middle of dinner. You were in conversation with your spouse making plans for the weekend when their cell phone started ringing. It didn't escape your notice that your significant other kept anxiously looking at the phone before it even rung.

You ask them why they could not just turn it off for a little while and leave it in the other room. They tell you they were expecting a very important call so they could not possibly turn it off. Strange how all these calls have suddenly become so important.

Now they excuse themselves from the table and take the call. After a little while, you have finished your dinner; theirs is getting cold. You get up to tell them this but you can't find them. At least not right away.

You check in the den, the living room, basement, upstairs and outside. No sign of them. Then just by accident you catch sight of them thru the window. They were sitting in the car. Okay. Except when you looked the first time you didn't see them.

As they make their way back to the house, your instincts tell you to find a good hiding place and watch them. When they enter, you don't get a sense that anything is wrong from their facial expression. But the way they close the door tells you something is up. How'd they do it? Like a burglar sneaking into a house at 3:00 AM.

Whether you find visible signs of marital infidelity or not comes down to how careful your spouse is and how acute your observation skills are. However there is one thing above any other that a cheating spouse needs to have successful liasions. Time.

There are only twenty four hours in a day. Being with family or at work occupies a majority of those hours; so for a spouse to carry on an extramarital affair requires sacrifice in one of those two areas.

Will it be work? Possible but not likely since infidelity has to be financed to some extent. The other side of that equation is to keep up the appearance of normal (or as close to it) within the household. Coming up short of cash because they are missing work to spend time with the other person is a red flag.

That means the only thing left is family. It may not be completely obvious but an hour late here and there adds up. Even if they get home on time, they may decide to go back out to run an "errand". You don't mind once in a blue moon but it sure seems like they never want you to go along with them.

Look to see how often this is happening. Also start asking questions. Where you going? Why now? If they are running an errand or just going to the store, how come you can't go along?

If this seems like you are spying on your spouse then you're right. It's not a good feeling and you wish it didn't have to be that way. But if you believe your spouse is carrying on an extramarital affair, then like it or not you need to do some investigating. Catching a cheating spouse is an intense game of hide and seek and unfortunately you are it.

About the Author

Article written by Daryl Campbell -The Relationship Tip รข€¦#34; Find out in just 3 minutes if your spouse is cheating on you

Hoping you have a blissful relationship
Sign Of Infidelity

Sunday, August 10, 2008

sign of infidelity working a LOT!

Infidelity Sign 1: Working A Lot Of Overtime Article by sign of infidelity expert, Tony DeLorenzo

SUMMARY: Working a lot of overtime is one of the most common signs seen when you have a cheating spouse. Ninety percent of the time, a person who is having an extra-marital affair cheats with someone with whom he or she is friendly and close with at their job.


"My husband and I have been married for about four years, and have known each other for nine years. During the course of our marriage, he has always been predictable. He left the house at 7:20 AM every morning to catch the 7:30 AM bus. For the past three months he has been leaving for work earlier and earlier. Sometimes I'm not even up yet when he leaves.

I have also noticed that he is returning later. He would always catch the 5:30 PM bus to return home by 7:00 PM. In recent months this has also changed. He returns home much later with the excuses of meetings or overload of paper work. I ask why he doesn't call me to let me know that he's coming home late. He'll snap at me and say, "It's work, Julie!"

It's not that I don't trust him. I want to, but lately there have been too many indications that there could be someone else in his life. When I ask my husband about who else stays late at work with him, he always mentions the same names. A couple of guys' names and one female name. This woman's name is continually brought up into the conversation. My husband has become extremely irritable lately, especially on the weekends.

I have begun to make notes of when my husband leaves early and arrives home late from work. The pattern that I'm beginning to see is that it's almost always on Mondays and Thursdays."


Working a lot of overtime is one of the most common signs seen when you have a cheating spouse. Ninety percent of the time, a person who is having an extra-marital affair cheats with someone with whom he or she is friendly and close with at their job.

An affair with someone at work just doesn't happen overnight. If you and your spouse are experiencing marital problems, your spouse might need someone to talk to. If your spouse has known the other person for a while, he or she may feel they can trust and confide in that other person. When a spouse has an affair with someone at work, the amount of time spent away from home can be limited. The spouse will say that he or she either has a late meeting or is working overtime in order to cover up the time away.

Establishing who your spouse is cheating with is relatively easy. Listen closely to what your spouse has to say when talking about work. There might be a refer-ence to a co-worker in conversation or the use of the name as one of the people who also has to put in the extra time. There are numerous excuses for a spouse to work overtime, such as cut-backs on the job, or restructuring in the company. Although these excuses could very well be true, this is still a pattern to look out for.

For example, if your spouse arrives home late on Fridays and Mondays it may be because he or she will want to spend time with the lover before the weekend"and then again after the weekend. (Of course, the spouse may say he or she is working overtime on Saturday, too.)

For infidelity Answers, Help, Support, and Friendship please visit

About the Author

These signs are among those compiled from The 28 Tell-Tale Signs of a Cheating Spouse written by Anthony DeLorenzo, founder of as well as a nationally known private investigator, and his wife Dawn Ricci who is also a leading expert in the field. Mr. DeLorenzo has appeared on Oprah, Geraldo, Sally Jesse Raphael, Montel Williams and many others.

sign of infidelity

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Sign Of infidelity

Cheating Signs: Emotional Signs They Are Cheating article by sign of infidelity expert, John L. Wilson

Looking for emotional signs they are cheating is something any suspicious spouse should be aware of. Although there are many different clues to one being unfaithful, emotional signs can throw up a warning flag that no one else can see.

Emotional signs can sometimes be so subtle that only you will notice because you know them better than anyone. If they are cheating, their emotions will give you clues that you should be aware of.

The fact is it's tough to be in a relationship with someone when you suspect there is infidelity taking place. You worry. You lose sleep. You can't eat. You're simply a bundle of nerves and you deserve to know the truth. Be on the lookout for the following clues to your partners unfaithfulness.

The first big clue is they may become withdrawn from you. Intimacy and affection are pretty much non-existent. They have isolated themselves from you and/or the family on an emotional and physical level. Sometimes however they start exhibiting an over-active need to shower you with attention.

The second is anger. They tend to lash out at you for no perceptible reason. This should throw up a big red flag for you. There has to be a reason for their anger and it is most likely caused by the fact that they have gotten themselves into another relationship and they feel guilty about it. It's at times difficult for them to hide the emotional signs they are cheating.

The third is their personality. They seem to be worried or on edge all the time, maybe even paranoid. They simply aren't acting like themselves.

Another sign is their guilt may drive them to start accusing you of being unfaithful when they have absolutely no reason to think that. This is their brain trying to compensate for the guilt that they are carrying with them. Accusing you takes some of the heat off of them or so they think.

Remember, you don't have to just look for emotional signs they are cheating, but sometimes they can be missed. Just rest assured that if you are dealing with an unfaithful spouse, you deserve to know the truth. Just prepare yourself for hearing it when it comes.

About the Author

It's time for you to arm yourself with the information you need to expose the infidelity that is wreaking havoc on you and your family. Click Here: Emotional Signs They Are Cheating

sign of infidelity