Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Guilt! A Sure Fire Sign Of Infidelity

Some people can indeed hide their cheating ways, but many ooze Guilt and simply cannot hide it. Find out if your spouse is cheating on you, suddenly they shower you with gifts, is it true love, or true GUILT? Check out this really good article below.

Is Your Partner Cheating On You? Guilt - A Sign Of Infidelity In Relationships

Usually, you'd never argue with flowers, gifts or special dinners out. Those special home-made meals should make you feel loved and appreciated. So why are they suddenly 'ringing wrong' and making you uncomfortable? Could they be signs that your partner is feeling guilty about something?
Guilt can be a tough burden to live with. If we still care about our husband or wife, but we find ourselves drawn into a tryst or ongoing affair, anyway, we're in conflict.
Regardless of whether we find ourselves ending or continuing the affair, we don't want to lose our primary relationship and the life we've built around it. More, we know we're wrong. We've betrayed our loved one on the deepest level. So how do we feel?


Luckily for the innocent victim, these signs of guilt come out in all sorts of visible, palpable ways.
If you know what to look for, you can not only spot these guilty giveaways, you can interpret them correctly instead of fooling or blaming yourself:

• Your man suddenly starts bringing you flowers for no reason
• Your wife offers back rubs or becomes sexually demonstrative (when usually she wouldn't)
• He starts surprising you with dinners out
• She decides to start cooking you your favorite special meals - and it's not your birthday
• He uncharacteristically surprises you with a gift or jewelry and there are no Holidays coming up
• More affectionate, but it feels contrived, over-done or desperate

Or it could go the other way, with negative guilty behaviors:

• Suddenly starts picking fights
• Defensiveness
• Secrecy
• Nervousness/agitation/depression
• Emotional distance
• Physical distance
• Accuses you of lying
• Questions YOUR whereabouts
• Begins finding fault with you; your manner, your appearance, your housekeeping, your sense of humor, anything - as long as fault can be found

While it is possible that something other than infidelity could be causing these symptoms of guilt (losing a job, perhaps, or losing money because of a poor investment choice), those other concerns tend to be brought out into the open eventually when your partner has worked through her feelings or resolved the situation enough to be able to talk to you about it.

This is understandable. Especially for men, who are geared towards being productive, (taking pride in and taking their sense of self-worth from their careers), not meeting family financial obligations can cause feelings of despair, nervousness and - yes - guilt.

Also, even if they never confess to such a perceived failure, it's probable that once your spouse has found a way to correct or make up for it (making a better investment, working extra hours until the shortfall is made up or getting that new job) things will go back to where they were before the problem.

The secret that never gets told, though, the increasing level of alienation and estrangement, are signs that something different may be going on.

Another difference is that, in a cheating situation, your spouse is likely to grow more secretive, more argumentative, more aloof, distant or abusive over time.

What should you do if your partner seems to be exhibiting the guilty signs of infidelity? Or - What if YOU'RE the one stepping out on your partner and finding yourself wracked with guilt, yet unable to break off the affair?

In either case, short of you two talking about it openly and calmly (possible but improbable) the best course of action might be to find a good professional therapist or counselor to help you sort things out.

Guilt associated with infidelity runs deep and can do serious damage to all involved. Don't try to go it alone.

What To Do If Your Partner Is Having An Affair? Time To Act: Enough is enough.
Stop being the victim, stop living in self-denial, stop living in pain, stop living in agony and stop living in self-pity. Be bold and take the first step in confronting the truth even if the truth is ugly and not what you want to know. Now is the time for you to act. Whether you want to confirm your fears or catch your partner or spouse cheating on you with evidence, I can help you.
CLICK HERE To Get Instant Access To FREE TIPS To Catch A Cheating Partner.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_Dee_Dickson

Monday, October 28, 2013

Relationships, Trust and Signs of Infidelity

Has your partner broken the trust? Are they a cheating spouse? The article below gives some of the best tell tale signs when someone is cheating.

Signs of Infidelity in Relationships - Top 10 Signs Your Spouse Might Be Having an Affair

Feeling suspicious that you spouse might be having an affair is an awful feeling. For most people one of their biggest fears is becoming a victim of infidelity. This is one of the reasons when a marriage starts to go poorly that people feel that their spouse maybe having an extramarital affair, and they want to start learning the Signs of Infidelity in Relationships.
It is impossible to know for sure if your spouse is cheating on you, but if you're suspicious that they might be having an affair, then take a look at some of the biggest relationships warning signs of infidelity. Signs of infidelity in relationships seldom appear in isolation, so if you notice one of these signs be alert for some of the other signs I have listed. Most of the time the cheater won't even realize that they are even displaying these signs.

Look For These Top 10 Signs of Infidelity in Relationships

Sign 1 - Your spouse start to spend less time at home with
Sign 2 - The cheating spouse is no longer interested in sex as much.
Sign 3 - Their physical appearance can be a dead giveaway that there is cheating going on. If your spouse starts to dress differently, changes their hair, or suddenly joins a gym, and then this could mean they are spending time with someone else.
Sign 4 - Cell phone habits change. If you notice that when your spouse answers the phone that they always leave the room to talk, doesn't answer the phone around you, or is taking call at odd hours.


Sign 5 - Becomes excessively defensive when you ask them question of where they have been, what they were doing, or whom they were with.
Sign 6 - Your spouse want to travel or attend functions without you.
Sign 7 - They start to complaining, arguing or picking fights over trivial things. If they are emotional and verbally abusive, and they are constantly putting you down.
Sign 8 - You notice excessive charges on the credit card statements, they start to use cash more than usual or they have unexplained receipts in their car, wallet or desk
Sign 9 - Cheater's clothes smell of alcohol, smoke, perfume or cologne.
Sign 10 - Stops wearing wedding ring. A lot of times a spouse will take their ring off when they leave home and forget to put it back on before they get home.

Noticing any one or all of the above signs of infidelity does not guarantee that your spouse is cheating. Also, just because your spouse is not exhibiting any of these signs does not guarantee that they are not having an affair with someone else. Before you ever confront your spouse of cheating, you need to discover for sure if they are having an affair. The worst thing you can do is accuse your spouse of cheating before you have proof.

What to do after you notice signs of infidelity in relationships If you find out that your spouse has had an affair, it does not mean that your relationship is over. Many couples have survived infidelity in marriage, and if you both still want to save your marriage and are willing to put in the work that is necessary, then there is hope. With some professional help, daily effort increased communication, the chances of surviving infidelity becomes much greater.

If you would like some more information on different Sings of Infidelity in Relationships, then click on my blog Infidelity In Marriage. Here you will get information on what other couples have done to save their marriage after it has been shattered by an affair.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=James_Al_Miller

Here's a good blog on help with infidelity

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Relationship Trust and Infidelity!

There is nothing worse than a cheating spouse. Trust in a relationship is the most important ingredient, the article below explains some good signs of a cheating partner,

Signs of Infidelity in a Relationship

Many of those in a relationship are familiar with the concept of infidelity. However, the problem can often be one of ignorance when it comes to reading the signs associated with this behavior. Here, we'll take a closer look at some of the signs that are to be observed when detecting the potential (or on-going instances) of infidelity.

What about direct confrontation?

Even if one's relationship is going through a current rough patch, a direct confrontation, with no evidence, is usually a bad idea. This will only precipitate an argument and possibly bury any evidence that this is, indeed the case. If it's not the case; well, you have just managed to shut down communication even further - which doesn't help any relationship. However, correctly assessing the signs of infidelity, in its early stages, can be helpful when it comes to saving a relationship.

A rather sudden improvement in appearance

When you first met your partner, it was more than likely that they were paying extra careful attention to their appearance. This may have changed a bit over time. However, a sudden preoccupation with the way one looks when leaving the house can be an indication of trying to attract someone. This is especially true in cases where other motives can be ruled out (trying for a promotion, impressing an important client, etc.).

Are you being treated differently?

A relationship with someone else will invariably cause your partner to view you in a different light. Since this, in many cases, is done at a subconscious level, your partner may not even be aware that they are doing this. But it can be obvious to you.

More work overtime?

Of course if your partner is on salary, overtime cannot be measured in a paycheck. But seriously, you would probably know if longer work hours are actually required at the office. Being aware of suddenly changing work habits may be warranted, especially in conjunction with other signs of possible infidelity. This can also relate to a partner suddenly not having any time for traditional family events because of "extra work" at the office - especially on normal days off.

Business-related travel

Business travel is one of the most common opportunities to meet with another romantic partner. Even if the business travel is legitimate, the opportunity is still there. Ask yourself "Are there fewer calls home when travelling on business, lately?"

Illicit telephone conversations are a sign

Strangely enough, there are many who will allow an infidelity partner to call them at home. You may notice this in the way a phone conversation doesn't "feel right" when overhearing your partner speak on the phone.

Computer email usage increasing?

These days, people like to communicate electronically. Have you noticed your partner staying up extra late and telling you that it's okay for you to go on to bed? This can be a very good sign of illicit chat or email communications.

These are some of the signs that you may notice that can indicate infidelity in your relationship. But, in any case, a sudden change in behavior followed by a lack of intimacy is generally a sign that communication between the two of you is somehow breaking down.
For more information please visit www.loveforlifecoaching.net.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Barbara_Longsworth

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Is Your Partner Being Unfaithfull?

Spotting the signs of infidelity is the first step...............

How to See Signs of Infidelity in Your Partner

There comes a time in many relationships where one partner suspects the other of cheating. Infidelity is one the most challenging and prevalent problems in the psychology of love. In this article, we will discuss some of the indications that may lead you to the truth of what your partner has been doing.
A person engaged in a sexual or romantic affair will present many often subtle indications of their new behaviour. One of the first indications that a partner may notice is distance or proximity. The cheating partner will typically either become closer or more distant to you. For example, he or she may very suddenly begin to show you uncharacteristic attention and affection, expressing how much adoration they have for you.

Conversely, you may find that quite suddenly your partner becomes very emotionally distant, communicating significantly less than usual. In particular, a sexually active male's libido may seem to have mysteriously plummeted, and he is very reluctant to make eye contact with you.

Another significant behavioural change to monitor is your partner's level of personal confidence. Someone who is having an extramarital relationship will typically feel a great boost in confidence, having confirmed that they still have the sexual prowess to successfully attract a mate. They may be more socially outgoing, unaccountably showing more confidence particularly in talking to members of the opposite sex.

They will be taking greater care than usual in maintaining their appearance, perhaps by updating their wardrobe or buying new perfumes. This may coincide with one of the classic signs that your partner may be unfaithful, which is spending more time away.

Any relationship takes time. If your partner is in fact engaging in a new relationship then he or she must be withdrawing that time from elsewhere, whether it is the time you would normally spend together, or maybe even time they have taken away from work. Working overtime is an excuse typically favoured by the unfaithful. If you are in doubt about the truth of this, it is often easy to verify by ringing them at their place of work or by asking one of their colleagues. Going out anywhere on their own is also a telling sign, particularly when they don't bother to provide a reason.

However, when they do offer a reason, there are then means for you to take the measure of verifying their story.

Remember also that prying too closely where it is observable by your partner may not win you any favours. If indeed they are not being unfaithful to you, your lack of confidence in their fidelity may very well negatively affect your relationship, perhaps even to the extent that you push them toward infidelity. Furthermore, even if your partner is cheating, if he or she happens to clue onto you constantly checking up on them they will simply become more devious and take greater effort to cover their tracks next time. If you do plan to investigate your partner's activity, take care to do so discreetly, because being wrong could end up costing you in the end.

Having perfect, unyielding faith in your partner is a difficult if not impossible task. There may be times where you do begin to suspect that your beloved may be involved in a relationship with someone else. Although it may be mere intuition that sets your suspicions in motion, in the psychology of love there are classic indications of an unfaithful partner. By reading the signs carefully and with proper investigation, you can confirm whether your loved one remains true to you.

If you want to find out more about the psychology of love [http://psychologyoflove.org], visit this website that seeks to demystify sexual selection [http://psychologyoflove.org/sexualselection].
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Vince_McLeod

Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Signs Of Infidelity Are Many

Many believe there are many signs of infidelity, the article below explores these signs.

There Can Be Numerous Signs of Infidelity

Francois de la Rochefoucauld said:
"When love becomes labored, we welcome an act of infidelity towards ourselves to free us from fidelity." Needless to say, the noted cynic Mr. de la Rochefoucauld was not one to stress communication as a means to achieve a goal of harmony and love in our lives. Fortunately, we have come to understand that infidelity is not an act that should be considered a normal state of affairs, but an aberration that can come about when intimacy within a relationship has been compromised. This is not an instance of inevitability, but something that can be seen in advance and, hopefully, dealt with successfully. This means that although there may be valid underlying reasons for a partner to think about infidelity, these thoughts should be an indication for a need to draw closer and communicate and not act on impulse.

If you find yourself looking for signs of infidelity, the first question that you might ask yourself is "why?" If you have experienced the pain of infidelity in the past, it's more than understandable to take mental steps in order to avoid a repeat situation. However, if you have already been through this scenario, you will already know what to look for. If you have never experienced this situation, but feel that "something just isn't right", then taking a closer look is a good way to proceed. This, of course, should be done long before any accusations are levelled, since unsubstantiated arguments could easily damage a relationship as well. So let's take that closer look.

If you think that that the old movie "classic" signs of infidelity (lipstick on the collar, unfamiliar perfume scents, etc.) are the only clues you can observe, then guess again. We live in a far more complex world than that which has been depicted in old movies. Technology has given us means of communication that eclipses the concept of a clandestine meeting in an isolated motel off of a country road. Communication in the form of emotional infidelity can actually take place in the bedroom with the unsuspecting partner asleep while a sexually charged conversation is taking place on the computer! The image of the one partner on the other telephone extension and listening in on a suspicious conversation has also gone the way of extinction. Cell phones make it easy to carry on conversations in just about any location.

The Internet has provided an ideal place for people to meet and form relationships that can easily go beyond the casual. The questions that you may ask could have to do with password protected accounts on the family computer. But in the long run, the clues lie more with behavioral psychology rather than with technology.

While a sudden interest in looking younger or a change in appearance can easily be attributed to a mid-life crisis when reaching a certain age, this doesn't apply to everyone - especially to younger adults. The inability to talk face-to-face and eye-to-eye is sometimes a sign of guilt. The loss of affection and the pulling away from a partner says a lot more than a Facebook account. The most effective thing that can be done, when a noticeable change of behavior has occurred, is to make the time to sit down and have a conversation. Putting something like this off can be a serious mistake if there is some reason to suspect infidelity.

"I am a trained Professional Life and Relationship Coach, Master, Mentor and Marketing Coach, and an Instructor at the World Coach Institute"
Barbara Longsworth
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Barbara_Longsworth

Signs of infidelity articles

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Can You See The Signs Of infidelity?

So, can you see the signs of infidelity? When looking for signs of infidelity, are you mistaken? Here's a great article looking at how to spot the signs of  a cheating spouse.

Spotting the Signs of Infidelity

At one point, everyone may experience that sick, stomach churning feeling, alerting them that something in their relationship is wrong. They may dismiss it as an overactive imagination, paranoia or a case of bad Chinese take out from the night before. However, when they notice that those uncertain feelings linger for weeks and maybe even months, they realize that it is not a situation that can be ignored. Your emotions are the one real friend you can always count on to tell you the truth, no matter how much it hurts. Whether it's intuition sending you a telegram that trouble is brewing in romantic paradise or simply an acute subconscious connection to the vibrations in your environment, those signs of infidelity need to be listened to and investigated.

For the seeker of truth behind the suspicious behavior and actions of their partners, I've composed a guide to spotting infidelity to give you a starting point in your PI work.

1. Unaccounted for Spending Receipts
If a person has taken on a new lover, they will have to spend money to take them out to restaurants, hotels, trips, and buy them gifts. So, keep an eye on expenses through a credit card paper trail that do not have a reasonable explanation. Some cheating partners may choose the cash route and withdraw funds from local or out of town ATMs to finance their indiscretions.

2. Changes in Appearance
Study any changes in wanting to suddenly improve their physical looks. Cheating spouses or significant others often want to look better for their lover and will start buying new clothing, working out, wearing makeup, getting a new hairstyle, or start wearing new perfume or cologne.

3. Internet Communication
Often, if a spouse or boy/girlfriend met their lover online, they'll correspond via Instant Message or email. So, a review of their chats will reveal if it is a simple flirtation or if it has gone further. Also, check out some of the popular online dating sites, such as Yahoo! Personals, Match.com, eHarmony, MySpace etc for their picture and profile, especially if that was how you first met. Sometimes, they never take their profile down and continue meeting new people using the same member id. So, keep an eye on old profiles that for some reason never got taken down or deleted.

A great site called truedater.com is a great resource for online daters who share stories and resources on people they've met online. It's basically a website created to dish on whether the people are being truthful in their dating profiles. Another popular website that's recently been all over the news is DontDateHimGirl.com You may actually find a story about your significant other posted there, telling you about their past history with dating on the web, encounter a recent post detailing an indiscretion or even a warning about the type of person you may be about to get involved with or are currently with.

If they are all of a sudden deleting their emails before you can read them or changing their password, that can also tip you off that there is something going on that they do not want you to find out about.

4. Becoming a Workaholic
A person who is cheating will often use work as an excuse to meet with their lover. You'll notice they work later than usual, take frequent work related trips or if they are a commuter, will give you an excuse that a new job project has crazy hours which leads them to sleeping overnight in the city. Another clue may be their disappearance during lunch hours where even their coworkers or secretary may not know how or where to reach them.

5. Decrease in Sex Drive
This is one of the first tell tale signs that a partner may be cheating because they will want less and less sex from you, since they are getting it from their lover.

6. Changes in Sex Style
On the flip side of that, you may experience your partner suddenly trying out new positions or techniques in bed that most probably were taught to them by their new lover. If you do suspect cheating, please protect yourself by using a condom or getting tested because s/he could be bringing in sexually transmitted diseases from the affair.

7. Telephone Clues
Watch for strange hang ups that start to occur more often when the unknown caller hears your voice. It may be the lover trying to get in touch with your spouse or live in partner. Also, check for unknown numbers on the cellphone and home phone records that are becoming more and more frequent. Another clue is your partner not returning your phone calls within a short period of time. In the past, s/he always got back to you within the hour but lately, s/he cannot be reached by phone for many hours. If you are not living together, they may even start returning your calls the next day, instead of later that same day or night. You may even notice that when you are together, they turn off their cellphones or turn their answering machine volumes to low or mute so you don't hear the lover calling or leaving them a message.

8. Personality Changes
S/he suddenly becomes distant and is not as affectionate as they used to be. The compliments become scarce, they find fault in your actions or behavior and the efforts to be emotionally supportive are not as forth coming as they used to be. Communication has diminished and you start to feel neglected and alone even when s/he is in the same room. You may also experience an increase in arguments and heated fighting as their stress level goes up trying to live the double life. Even catching them in lies, excuses and defensive behavior may become prevalent as time goes on. It is difficult for many cheaters to keep the charade going forever.

9. Shower Frequency
You notice s/he showers the moment they get home. This may be a sign that they are trying to remove the traces of scent of another lover from their body so you don't suspect what they were doing.

10. Laundry
If they are cheating, you may notice them doing their own laundry and getting nervous when you offer to do it for them. The reason may be so that they can remove any scents of the lover, sex stains or lipstick smudges left behind.

11. Spending Less Time With You
No matter how long couples have been together, they usually have days of the week where they spend time together going out and doing fun things together, commonly known as date night. Couples also plan trips and vacations, which become habitual. If a partner is cheating, they may start to show less of an interest in spending time with you and make excuses as to why they can no longer go on trips or vacations together. The common excuses range from being too tired, having too much work to having a friend or other family emergency that requires their time and attention. They may even encourage you to take trips and vacations by yourself or with others.

12. Changes in Energy Levels
All of those stolen days and hours spent with their lover will take a toll on their energy levels. So, you may start to see your partner too exhausted to do much with you or go out with you anywhere.

13. Property or Car Rentals & Ownership
For couples who have a substantial income, large undisclosed expenses can lead to uncovering secret property and car rentals or ownership. So do a background check by researching public records to find out if new homes, condos or apartments have been co-signed for or rented and purchased in their name. You may discover their romantic getaway or new home for the cheating partner's lover. If you have a second home or vacation place together, then make sure to frequently visit or have trusted friends keep an eye on it to make sure that it is not being used without your knowledge. It's not uncommon for them to buy or lease a new car for their lover too so don't leave that stone unturned.
With the exception of tip number 13, none of these signs by themselves are conclusive evidence of adultery since there could be a reasonable explanation for the changes in behavior, depending on what is going on in their personal or work life, such as a death in the family, depression or other medical problems, financial problems, substance abuse, loss of employment, work instability, or new job which brings new pressures and responsibilities on their plate.

However, if you are able to check off more and more of the signs on the list as behaviors seen in your partner, then the likelihood of infidelity runs high and the red flags are worth looking into. Amp up your detective work by creating your own surveillance to find out the truth once and for all. Some people recommend just confronting your partner but more often than not, very few cheating partners will be honest and admit the affair unless they are confronted with irrefutable and tangible evidence. And, if they are not cheating, it will only anger or hurt them to be accused of it. So, before you make accusations and confront them, I say move forward with your detective work and gather up your evidence first. Investigate further by verifying their stories and plans. Let your partner think you are going out of town but secretly make plans to stay with a friend or family member so you can monitor their whereabouts or activities discreetly.

If through your investigations, you discover that s/he has been sleeping with someone else, you have a choice to make here. Based on the length of the affair and how committed they are to it, either walk away and don't look back or try to salvage the relationship through therapy and open communication. If both people truly want to make the relationship work, then you know you have a real shot at getting through this. Just remember to always listen to your inner voice that is there to guide you in making the right decision.

Zuri Eberhart is an internationally known Reiki master, psychic intuitive and gateway dream coach. Dubbed the psychic goddess, she provides insight and healing through intuitive guidance, astrology, numerology, tarot, dream coaching and energy work. To schedule a private session visit: http://www.askzuri.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Zuri_Eberhart

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6090678

More on infidelity and cheating spouses

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Is He Really Sorry He Had An Affair?

Can you ever forgive infidelity? Some people are always willing to give their spouse a second chance, others would never give them a second chance. Finding that your spouse is cheating, is a shock

Forgiving Infidelity - Signs That He Is Really Sorry About His Affair

Infidelity is the great relationship killer or mutilator and it's occurrence in a relationship injures that relationship and changes it and the individuals involved. This unfortunately is your reality as infidelity has visited your relationship through your partner's cheating. You do love this man and you want to stay with him but you are unsure whether he is really sorry or if he is just saying sorry so that he can continue in his cheating ways. Forgiving infidelity requires that he is really sorry about his affair but how do you know that he is truly sorry? What are the signs that he is really sorry about his affair?

Was he quick to make things right? A man who is really sorry about his affair will apologize quickly without trying to blame you or circumstances or his partner in crime. He may try to explain what happened but it will be with the aim of making things right with you. He will not let you walk away in anger without expressing his remorse in every way that he knows. A man who tells you that it is your fault or who reacts in anger that you found out or who shrugs of the infidelity or who leaves you alone in your anger for days after the discovery of the affair is NOT really sorry and forgiving his infidelity will be like giving him permission to continue cheating on you. Forgiving infidelity requires your man to be quick in trying to save the situation as this shows his anxiety to deal with the situation quickly because of how much the fallout is affecting him.

Is he anxious to clear his record of the infidelity? A man who is really sorry is concerned about what you think about him and will want you to understand that he is still the same person, despite his lapse in judgment. He will thus try and remind you of better times and of how far you have come as a couple; in a bid to get you to focus on the positive things in your relationship and somehow save the relationship. On the other side will be a man who justifies his affair by telling you of all the things that were wrong with you and the relationship that then pushed him into the affair. This type of guy is not sorry about his infidelity and if you forgive his infidelity then you will open the door to an assortment of affairs with a range of women.

Is he upset at his compromise? A man who is really sorry about his affair will be distressed or troubled by his foolishness in having the affair. It's like he has come to his senses and realized what he has done and what he could loss if he loses you. He is suddenly aware of the quality of gal he had in you and how he simply messed up by having an affair. On the other hand if your man thinks that his affair is no big deal or that he is somehow allowed to cheat on you or that he can always get another gal if this affair upsets you; then this man is NOT sorry! Forgiving infidelity requires that your man is visibly troubled by the affair and what it has done to your relationship.

Does he long to be restored to relationship wholeness? A man who is really sorry feels the impact of his affair and the separation that is an outcome of the affair and he longs to get back to how things were before the affair. He is nostalgic about the 'good old days' and will talk about how great things were and how good you were together before the affair messed things up for both of you. He may even remember happy times or moments that you don't even remember.

Is he ready to do whatever is necessary to make things right? A man who is really sorry is willing to do whatever it takes to make things right with you. He will agree to seek counseling or do whatever he needs to do for both of you to be okay again. You cannot of course make him jump through unreasonable hops if you genuinely want to forgive him. You want him to do whatever it is that would help you come to terms with his affair and its aftermath. Forgiving infidelity requires that your man be willing to make amends to restore the relationship.

Forgiving infidelity is tricky as real forgiveness can only occur if your man is really sorry. If he is not really sorry then forgiveness cannot be given. If you forgive a man who is not really sorry then you open the door to a life of affairs.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6725545

Another article on surviving infidelity

Sunday, April 07, 2013

Is Your Girl Having An Affair?

Men and women will show the signs of infidelity,  but in this article below, we will be discussing infidelity in women.

The Most Common Signs of Infidelity in Women 

It's surprising to know that more and more women are now cheating against their men and in fact, this is now one of the most common grounds of divorces worldwide. Although most people say that men are born cheaters, but women actually have the tendency to cheat on their partners, too without them knowing anything about it. So guys, you better take time in knowing the most common signs of infidelity among women before everything will be too late.

Constant Mentioning of a Person's Name
There are times when your girl would talk about a certain guy in her office, the guy whom she met at a friend's party or perhaps this guy that she met at the gym. While there's really nothing wrong with her talking to you about her fondness of this certain person, but if she keeps on mentioning this person's name, then you better be cautions, because this might be something else. If you feel that your girl could be having an affair with this certain guy, then you better do your research about this person and find out about his whereabouts, for you might catch him and your girl meeting up somewhere.

Going Out Late At Night
Sometimes, men tend to get busy with their work and would spend late nights in the office, without realizing that their partners are actually meeting up with someone else during this time. If you feel that your partner keeps on asking you about the time you would go home, and if you often catch her going out at night with friends, then beware. Your girl might be seeing another guy during these late night outs of hers.

Becoming Conscious of Her Looks
Although it is normal for girls to prettify themselves and would exert efforts to look good, it can become alarming if your girl tends to be too conscious with her looks and act like she is dating you for the first time. Be mindful with the way your girl would dress-up and doll herself up whenever she is going to work or meeting up with friends. Also, tell her that you do not really care much about her looks, because you love her no matter how she would look like. But if she insists on beautifying herself all the time, then she might be doing something fishy.

She Would Not Mind Your Absence
While most women would crave for their partner's time and attention, women who are cheating would not care much if their partners do not spend time with them. If you feel that your girl would not insist on spending time with you like she used to, then your girl might be enjoying her time with someone else. Another sign that she is cheating is when she would not mind if you tell her that you will be out of town for a couple of weeks, or even months!

There are several different reasons why women would cheat, but one of the most common reasons is actually their partner's lack of time with them. So before you jump into conclusions and accuse your girl of being a cheater, you better look at yourself and see if you have any shortcomings. If you really love your girl and if you care about your relationship, then you must be willing to sacrifice some of your time in order for her not to look for someone else to fill in these needs.
Are you looking for ways on how to catch a cheater? Click on signs of a cheater to know if your partner is cheating on you.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michelle_R._Evans

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6942078

Monday, March 04, 2013

Look Out For The Signs Of Infidelity

There are common signs of infidelity, this article looks at some of the more common signs.

 The Warning Signs of Infidelity

If you are suspecting infidelity in your relationship, then there must be some subtle signs that your lover is cheating. Here, in this article, we'll discuss some of the more overt signs of infidelity that may help confirm your suspicions and hopefully give you enough reason to take the next step and confront your significant other.

There are many reasons why people cheat and we will not explore infidelity psychology in this article. Instead, we'll focus on the warning signs. Please bear in mind that one single sign does not necessarily indicate that infidelity is taking place. Instead, you need to look at the totality of all the signs that apply to your relationship, your significant others relationship history, and the dynamics of your relationship with this person. Sometimes, especially when it comes to cheating, emotions run high and you will look for any clue that will confirm your instinct that your significant other may be cheating. This can be further accentuated if you've been cheated on before. Don't fall into this trap and potentially sabotage a relationship where no infidelity may exist. Try and be reasonable and look at all of the facts before jumping to conclusions.
With that being said, let's look at some of the signs:

Working late at the office: Many times, cheaters use this as an excuse to go visit their lovers and some discrete location. The office can also be a great place where relationships are created due to workers spending a good portion of their live there. The key here is to look for a pattern or if your significant other is placing the office at a higher level than you or your family.

Going to the gym: Working out is a great way to relieve stress and tension, but it's also a great place to meet others for discrete affairs since a common interest has already been established. Again, just like working late at the office, you want to look for an excessive pattern of this behavior.

New/Old friends: If your significant other has made a new friend of the opposite sex, and they are spending more time with them than you, be suspicious! This also applies to reconnecting with old friends found on social networking sites. Again, you don't want to entirely focus on the fact that they are of the opposite sex, but you do want to look at the circumstances and the amount of time your significant other is spending with them.

Business trips: Going on business trips can also be a good way to cover up an affair. While they say they're on a business trip, they may actually be enjoying the company of their secret lover on the beaches in Hawaii. This is also a good opportunity to meet others at the hotel bar or nightclub or a one night stand.

These are just a few of the ways people can be deceptive and cheat, but people can be extremely creative when trying to hide a secret lover from you. Find the perfect balance between trusting your instinct and being level headed as not to make a hasty decision an do something that can hurt a potentially good relationship (or worse off, land you in jail).

There are more infidelity warning signs and tips about investigating infidelity at SadAffair.com
Mr. Chesterfield is a Security Specialist and is a former Private Investigator for several years. He has extensive experience in C.C.T.V. surveillance, photography, intrusion alarm systems, security management, and emergency management. He is the author of SadAffair.com, a website dedicated toward helping others conduct their own infidelity investigations.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=S_Chesterfield

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Concrete Signs of Infidelity in a Relationship

 Finding out if you have a cheating spouse is extremely unpleasant, but confronting it and sorting it out is an absolute must! Below, Raymond gives some excellent advice on real definate signs of cheating.

7 Sure Signs of Infidelity

When there is the apprehension that a partner might be cheating in a relationship, things can start falling apart quickly. Trust that has erstwhile been the foundation of the relationship may start taking the backstage while suspicion and resentment build.

A partner that is having a secret affair will with time start showing definite behavioural and emotional changes. While the excitement being created by the new affair may be having a dramatic effect on them sending out sparks et al, guilt can easily set in and the interplay of these different emotions can result in them behaving in strange ways. Ironically, this guilty conscious may make them to start suddenly becoming more affectionate toward you to relieve them of the guilt they hold and at times as a maneuver to deflect your suspicions.

At the onset of the affair, the guilt felt by the cheater may be very strong but over time this gradually subsides until the cheater virtually feels little or no remorse over their actions and may start employing different tactics to make sure that their partner does not uncover their acts.

Before jumping to conclusion on whether your spouse is cheating on you, it is worthwhile to check whether the noticeable changes in your spouse are not changes as a result of possible pressure from work, mounting bills and mortgage, depression, the children or any other issue that might be contributing to your spouse's recent attitudes.

At this point when your suspicions of an affair might be high, it is important to keep your cool as the wrong move might completely ruin your relationship more so if your nuances turn out to be false red lights.

While there are lots of signs that your spouse might be cheating on you, below are some very obvious telltale signs to checkout for in a cheating spouse.

Change in Behaviour toward You
When there is a dramatic change in your spouse's behaviour towards you most of the time through always criticising your actions or becoming too formal when communicating with you, it should be a sign to arouse suspicion of cheating.
In addition, they may also become more argumentative and constantly pickup fights with you over trivial issues. At times cheating spouses tend to pickup fights or create incidences that they can use as pretext for leaving the house in order to meet with their lovers.

Spend More Time Away From Home
Watch out if your spouse start spending unusually long hours at work or away from the house during odd hours, they could be cheating on you. This might also start embarking on more frequent business travels and business meetings in the evenings.
A change in their daily routine which they are not able to account for with a genuine explanation or with some questionable explanations coupled with anger when you try enquiring about lost time could indicate infidelity by your spouse.

Returning Home Fresh / Strange Body Odour
When your spouse returns home wearing a strange cologne or perfume and/or smelling of a fresh shower, you should come alive with suspicion except they have a good excuse to tender.

Unusual Phone Behaviour
One of the earliest telltale signs of a spouse cheating on his/her partner is increased phone activities and the awkward way in which they start answering phone calls in the presence of their spouse. Moving out of earshot and talking in hushed tones are probable signs your spouse may be hiding something.

Is your spouse becoming more and more protective of their internet and computer usage? Do they now stay at the computer for long and at odd hours? Also, is your Internet Browser History being frequently deleted; then you have to watch it with your partner.
New Self Interest / Consciousness
It is a classic sign that something definitely is happening to your spouse when there is a sudden interest in the way they look as they start to pay very close attention to their appearance and make various lifestyle changes. These may include new clothes, new cologne or deodorants, more frequent visits to the gym, new haircut or hairdo etc.
Your partner might even take up new hobbies or classes that they have never shown an interest in before. These may all be geared toward impressing someone else.

Undisclosed Financial Expenditure and Records
In most cases your spouse might start hiding details of financial information such as monthly credit card and bank account statements or even his/her mobile contract bills. There may also be an increased unbudgeted and unaccounted credit card or bank receipt spending by your spouse.
Meanwhile, be aware that these are not foolproof evidences that your spouse might be having an affair but if you discover that more than one of these suspicions keep reoccurring frequently, then there might be the chance that your spouse is cheating on you.

Finding out the truth about a cheating spouse on time is very important because failure to nip the affair in the bud may well spell doom for your relationship as the damage caused might have become irreparable by the time the affairs is discovered. Finding out early also helps you to protect yourself legally and otherwise.

Visit http://www.loving-relationship.com to discover and celebrate the possibilities and richness of a truly Loving Relationship.
Get top quality information, tips and advices to find and maintain that loving, fulfilling and sexually vibrant relationship you've always dreamt of.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Raymond_Ehoma

Monday, February 18, 2013

Finding Signs Of Infidelity

The signs of infidelity might be everywhere and you are simply missing them! I believe it's important to trust your instincts. However, before you jump to life changing conclusions, it is important you get all the facts first.

Signs of Infidelity and Surviving It
You may have already noticed some areas in your relationship that have been bothering you and you feel you need answers. There may well be no cause for concern. In many cases, a partners suspicions about a spouses infidelity may just be a misunderstanding and can be cleared up very quickly.

However, I am sorry to say that sometimes your intuition may be proven to be spot on.
If this is the case then I am truly sorry for your situation but please allow me to help you with your predicament. I have set out for you below some common telltale signs to look out for if Infidelity Surviving is your goal.

Infidelity appears in quite a few different ways and detecting it in a relationship can be quite complicated. I am sure you may well agree!

Firstly, you will more than likely have an urgent feeling and need to know if your partner is really having an affair. You will also no doubt feel that knowing the signs of infidelity will give you more control over this troublesome situation you have found yourself in.

You will feel that you will gain back control and really have a better understanding when you can identify the signs of infidelity in a relationship. To have knowledge and understanding of each situation is the best way to regain control as the more you understand a situation the faster you will be able to figure out a satisfactory solution.
There are very often some common signs that can indicate and give you a better idea if or when your partner is having an affair. This doesn't categorically mean that your partner is cheating on you as it will vary from person to person, so take this advice as only a few helpful guidelines that could point toward infidelity.

To show you the signs, I would like you to ask yourself these following investigative questions;
1) Does your partner flirt unnecessarily with other people in public?
2) Do you quarrel more often over the subject of sex?
3) Have your partners sexual patterns suddenly altered?
4) Has your partner become distant towards you?
5) Does your partner touch other people more nowadays?
6) Has your partner recently started visiting bars or night clubs more often on their own?
7) Have they started coming home drunk?
8) Do you bicker more often for no real reason?
9) Do you believe your partner is lying to you?
10) Have interactions between both of you got less or worse still ceased?
11) Are disagreements being ignored and not discussed?
12) Does your partner make sexual remarks about others or does he or she make such annotations to other people?
13) Has the topic of separating been brought up more than once recently?
14) Are they often saying how left out they feel, how unloved and unhappy they are with everything?
15) Do you notice that they come home dressed differently to how they were when they went out?
16) Can you really trust your partner?
17) Do you find your partner going to events more and excluding you from the proceedings?

Now, as I mentioned earlier, please take note that some of the observations listed above could have a very reasonable explanation and have nothing to do with infidelity on the part of your partner. Be careful and prudent in your analysis of the situation. There are many things you can do to prevent or even stop an ongoing case of infidelity in your relationship.

Don't suddenly go about blaming all those around you; instead work on a solution to get the love and trust you once had, back into your relationship and if you are having problems, find a way of dealing with them head on. Don't ignore them as they will not go away.

You could use the signs of infidelity in a relationship as a guideline for fixing any problem by turning the situation around and making sure you are both involved in activities outside the home, discuss how you feel more, but do not accuse, simply put your view across in a lighthearted way and try to ascertain if your partner has any love left for you. You will know in your heart what the answer is. Be sure to act on these feelings. Ignoring it will not make it go away. This is a time when will need to be very strong and stand tall. You will be so grateful later on.

Use these tactics well and learn how to address and resolve your problems in your relationship. Infidelity surviving is a tough route, but it is possible if you both want it. After all, isn't your happiness worth just a small amount of effort?

Clara Howard is an expert marriage counselor. For a Free help guide on infidelity surviving please visit Clara's website.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Clara_Howard

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6240965

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